PUT api/v{version}/user/user
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
version | string |
None. |
Body Parameters
UserName | Description | Type | Additional information |
idUser | integer |
None. |
globalId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
username | string |
None. |
password | string |
None. |
string |
None. |
emailConfirmed | boolean |
None. |
lockoutEndDateUtc | date |
None. |
lockoutEnabled | boolean |
None. |
accessFailedCount | integer |
None. |
notificheMail | boolean |
None. |
creationDate | date |
None. |
changePasswordDate | date |
None. |
userInfo | UserInfo |
None. |
devices | Collection of UserDevice |
None. |
astePreferite | Collection of AstaPreferita |
None. |
ricercheSalvate | Collection of RicercaSalvata |
None. |
tokens | Collection of Token |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "idUser": 1, "globalId": "b5c67aa5-13a8-4be2-afb0-47834213a3f6", "username": "sample string 3", "password": "sample string 4", "email": "sample string 5", "emailConfirmed": true, "lockoutEndDateUtc": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "lockoutEnabled": true, "accessFailedCount": 8, "notificheMail": true, "creationDate": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "changePasswordDate": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "userInfo": { "idUser": 1, "cognome": "sample string 2", "nome": "sample string 3", "codiceFiscale": "sample string 4", "partitaIva": "sample string 5", "tipologiaUser": { "Id": 1, "Description": "sample string 2" }, "dataNascita": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "idNazioneNascita": 1, "idComuneNascita": 1, "localitaEsteraNascita": "sample string 6", "capNascita": "sample string 7", "idNazioneCittadinanza": 1, "statoCivile": { "Id": 1, "Description": "sample string 2" }, "idNazioneResidenza": 1, "idComuneResidenza": 1, "indirizzoResidenza": "sample string 8", "capResidenza": "sample string 9", "localitaEsteraResidenza": "sample string 10", "sesso": { "value": "sample string 1" }, "categoria": null, "idOrdinamentoPreferiti": 1 }, "devices": [ { "idUserDevice": 1, "idUser": 2, "deviceName": "sample string 3", "identifierForVendor": "sample string 4", "notifichePush": true, "androidPushToken": "sample string 6", "iOSPushToken": "sample string 7", "huaweiPushToken": "sample string 8" }, { "idUserDevice": 1, "idUser": 2, "deviceName": "sample string 3", "identifierForVendor": "sample string 4", "notifichePush": true, "androidPushToken": "sample string 6", "iOSPushToken": "sample string 7", "huaweiPushToken": "sample string 8" } ], "astePreferite": [ { "idAstaPreferita": 1, "idUser": 2, "idAsta": 3, "dataInserimento": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "dataUltimaVisualizzazione": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "dataUltimaNotificaPush": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "nota": "sample string 6", "idLotto": 7, "dataUltimaNotificaEmail": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00" }, { "idAstaPreferita": 1, "idUser": 2, "idAsta": 3, "dataInserimento": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "dataUltimaVisualizzazione": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "dataUltimaNotificaPush": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "nota": "sample string 6", "idLotto": 7, "dataUltimaNotificaEmail": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00" } ], "ricercheSalvate": [ { "idRicercaSalvata": 1, "idUser": 2, "descrizione": "sample string 3", "dataInserimento": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "dataUltimaVisualizzazione": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "jsonParameters": "sample string 6", "notificheMail": true, "dataUltimaNotificaMail": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2938032+01:00" }, { "idRicercaSalvata": 1, "idUser": 2, "descrizione": "sample string 3", "dataInserimento": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "dataUltimaVisualizzazione": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2932703+01:00", "jsonParameters": "sample string 6", "notificheMail": true, "dataUltimaNotificaMail": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2938032+01:00" } ], "tokens": [ { "idToken": 1, "idUser": 2, "token": "sample string 3", "validFor": 4, "expireDate": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2938032+01:00" }, { "idToken": 1, "idUser": 2, "token": "sample string 3", "validFor": 4, "expireDate": "2025-01-10T10:07:50.2938032+01:00" } ] }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Sample not available.